Wouter Lagerweij Apps

NZB Handler 1.0
This app provides a simple way to have anyurls to download usenet package files (.nzb files) processeddirectly by you server running SabNzbD.The app will pass a url that would normally download an .nzb toyou tablet or phone directly to the sabnzbd.This handler has specific support for the nzbs.org site, andallows you to pass the urls there through to Sab by adding in yournzbs.org API key, which you can supply in the settings.To start using the application, simply provide the URL whereyour installation of SabNzbD resides, and the API key necessary tocontrol it, and you're off to go.Currently works with nzbs.org and nzbindex.com/.nl, Let me knowof any issues, or other sites for which you'd like support.This application only uses internet connections to the siteswhere you download the nzbs from. No information is sent anywherebut to your own SabNzbD server.